On May 24th, 2021, SAM.gov will merge with beta.SAM.gov, becoming one system. This milestone
marks the culmination of significant work with IAE system users and stakeholders across the board
who all have helped create what will be the new SAM.gov. The new SAM.gov—that will now be much
more than a registration system—incorporates customer-focused functionality changes, improving the
overall experience for you.
The SAM.gov that you experience today is where entities register to do business with the federal
government, find exclusion records, search entity registrations, and perform other tasks. That
functionality will move into the new system along with all the functionality from
beta.SAM.gov—contract opportunities, assistance listings, wage determinations, and the federal
hierarchy. We published a series of blogs on our Interact space detailing changes users will see on May
24, as well as what will not change:
● What’s changing with search
● What’s changing in your Workspace
● What’s changing with non-federal roles
● What’s changing with SCR and BioPreferred reporting
● What’s changing with SAM.gov data
● What’s NOT changing at SAM.gov integration