Please join Indiana APEX in welcoming Katelyn Rigle, Operations Audit Liaison Small Business Coordinator for DCAA as we have a conversation about governemnt contracting- From the Defense Contract Audit Agency perspective.
We will be breaking down the impact of the 2019 GAO "Contract Financing" report and the subsequent Office of the Under Secretary of the Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment Defense Pricing and Contracting finance study, which cited government compliant accounting systems, Cost Accounting Standards, and FAR Cost Principles as barriers to entry for small businesses looking to enter the Defense Industrial Base. During this presentation, DCAA will look at the types of contract awards and the requirements for each, as well as the common misconceptions of FAR, CAS, and TINA. All attendees will be mailed a copy of the presentation slides after the webinar.
Please register for the event if interested by emailing chase Gibson at or at and a link to the virtual meeting via Microsoft Teams will be sent to you prior to the event on 11/14/2023 at 1:00 PM.
Registration and Fees: Payment of seminar fees may be made by check, money order or credit card. Payment must be received to guarantee your space in an event.
Refund Policy: If you wish to request a refund, please contact the conference organizer listed above to discuss. You may also elect to send a substitute in your place. If the event is cancelled, all fees will be returned.
Special Accommodations: In accordance with the American Disabilities Act and state law, you may request accommodations due to a disability by contacting the event organizer listed above. Advance notice may be necessary for some accommodations. Registration must be paid prior to accommodation requests.